Sunday, April 17, 2016

Suffer The Child Book Review

Title of the Book: Suffer The Child 
Author: Judith Spencer
 # of Pages: 375
Star Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ 

At age two, Jenny was initiated into a satanic cult, at eleven, she was ordered to kill. In order to cope with her abuse in the cult as well as abuse from her mother, her personality fragments leaving "alters" to deal with her trauma. With Jenny safe in her own worlds, the "others" face all the pain that reality caused. As the years progress Jenny continues to create alters to help her in everyday life, some to work, some to parent kids, and some to serve in the cult. Many years pass, with her system of personalities functioning flawlessly, Jenny, at the age of 34, meets the therapists who will help her, reliving her past, realizing her present, and reassuring her future.

The harrowing true story offers a unique perspective into an very hidden life style. Limited knowledge of the cult gets cast into the forefront, along side a not well known, misunderstood mental illness, Multiple Personality Disorder, presently referred to as Disassociate Identity Order. The authors tone throughout the story is one of melancholy. Her diction is well rounded, very intelligent, and thoughtful of the medical professionals discussed in her story. She makes the story easy to understand while still being insightful.

The moment where Jenny realizes she is a multiple is the turning point of the story. This book is a must read. If you are remotely interested in the cult, mental illness, or want a story to make you cry, then this is a must read.

                                                                                                              Makenzie Matthews

1 comment:

  1. This was an interesting review. You introduced the book well and it hooked me in. Your recommendation also covers the audience scope of the book well. Nice
